The Secret to Make Him Chase You (Part 2)

The Secret to Make Him Chase You (Part 2)

Hey girl! Here’s Part 2 of “The Secret to Make Him Chase You”. In Part 1, I talked about why you want a man to chase, and the important first step – mindset to getting a man to chase. Click here to go to Part 1 of “The Secret to Make Him Case...
The Secret to Make Him Chase You (Part 1)

The Secret to Make Him Chase You (Part 1)

Hey Girl-Looking-For-Love! It’s Katie back again. This week I’m starting a NEW series called “The Secret to Make Him Chase You”. I wanted to dive DEEP into the psychological components of “the chase”. You can jump to the different sections below. The Secret to...
What He’s Thinking When He Ignores You

What He’s Thinking When He Ignores You

What if you could read a man’s mind and knew exactly what he was thinking when he ignores you? If you did you wouldn’t be so anxious. … you wouldn’t wonder if he hates you, or has lost interest, or is upset at something you’d done, or is...