How To Make Him More Attracted To You (Mind Hack!)
Here’s how to make him more attracted to you with this mind hack. Ever liked a guy and wished he was putting in more effort, chasing you more, and was more consistent and respectful towards you? If you want to know how...
4 “Desperate Girl” Signals That Turn Guys Off 😂😂
Let’s talk about the 4 “desperate girl” signals that turn guys off..please ladies, don’t act desperate, and don’t make these mistakes like I have. Remember if you’ve done these in the past, or you’re worried about not...
3 Confident Female Mindsets That Drive Men Wild (Stand out from the rest!)
If you want to attract AMAZING men, you need an AMAZING mindset. Great men are attracted to great women, and great women think differently to everyone else. In this video I’ll reveal 3 confident female...
9 Feminine Qualities Men Love (To Keep Him Interested)
Men love feminine qualities in women, but not how you might think. Here's 9 feminine qualities men love - that makes a woman inviting and comfortable for a man to step up, pursue and commit to her with his heart. WHAT...
How To Stop Feeling Not Good Enough (for men and in life)
When you’re trying for a goal, learning a new skill, or surrounded by people doing better than you, it’s easy to fall into feeling not good enough. And if left unchecked, this way of feeling can lead to even more toxicity and unnecessary suffering...
Should you settle? (Dating is hard)
If you’re single, been single for a while, you may have wondered, “maybe I’m asking for too much and I should lower my standards” - well here’s my thoughts on this!
How To Not Get Attached To A Man In Early Dating
What if attachment isn’t a problem you need to fix? What if your attachment is the symptom of a different problem you may have never considered? In this video I’ll reveal why: Attachment isn’t a problem What attachment is and why it’s a good thing...
How To Give A Man Space So He Misses You And Comes Back
Struggling to give a man space so he misses you and comes back? Struggling to give a man space because you’re constantly anxious, constantly thinking about him? Do you just “want to know” what he's thinking, what he's doing, and how intentions for...
How To Create A Relationship With Your Mind
Do you push good men away? Do you attract emotionally unavailable men? Do you continue to have less than satisfying relationships with men? Do you attract men who are "not ready to commit"? Are you just confused and frustrated with being single and...