Will Your Ex Forget About You During No Contact?
A post break up journey can be a roller coaster ride. It has the power to uplift you as well as give you the occasional down in the dumps feeling… The worst is over but as you're piecing together the broken parts of yourself, you come face to face...
Signs You’re Getting Dumped
Damn, these woes of the heart! If you’ve ever been dumped before or have worried about being dumped, you’ll know that it’s probably one of the worst things to have to deal with. Worse perhaps, if you didn’t see it coming! In this post, I will...
4 Weird Yet Powerful Tips to Get Your Ex to Miss You
Nobody said breakups were easy. There’s so much you got to deal with after parting ways with your ex. And then there are those days when your heart is heavy because you’re really missing your ex and secretly wishing that they miss you too. Sounds...
If You Dumped Your Ex, Can You Get Them Back?
Were you the first one to call it quits in your relationship? Were you the first to say, “I want to break up!” or “I don’t want to be with you anymore” and later, regretted it? Many times, people make mistakes in their relationship. They pick up...
Should You Be Friends With Your Ex? A Warning!
One of the biggest problem after a break up is deciding– ‘Should you be friends with your ex?’ This is so common, I needed to warn you of the pitfalls before you fall in! In fact, this is one of the most common questions asked by my clients, who...
How to Best Respond When Your Ex Messages You Out of The Blue
Do you know what to say if your ex was to contact you out of the blue? A lot of people unknowingly "screw things up" because they weren't prepared for the surprise message, or they end up not saying much at all because they're not sure HOW to...
Can You Stop Loving Someone In One Week?
Did someone you love go from eagerly reassuring you they “love” you to - one week later - saying they’re “no longer in love”? Is this possible? Can their love really be trusted at all? Have you ever wondered how someone can stop loving...
Get Your Ex Back: What to Say During Initial Contact With Your Ex?
Did you recently come out of a long term relationship with a person who was supposed to be THE ONE for you? Do you still wonder about how to get your ex back in your life and give your relationship a fresh start? I know that feeling and I also...
Why Is Your Ex Contacting You If They’re Dating Someone Else?
Is your ex contacting you despite being in a NEW relationship? Are you just a bit confused as to why they are messaging you? What do they want? What are they thinking? Do they secretly want you back? Keep reading, and I will shed some light as to...