He Will Date You, But He Won’t Commit

He Will Date You, But He Won’t Commit

Men will date you? But men just won't commit to you? You found a man you have a special connection with. He just won't commit to a relationship. Maybe he likes you but won't commit. He talks about the future but won't commit. He won't commit but...

What To Do When He Loses Interest

What To Do When He Loses Interest In today's video I want to talk about what to do if a man that used to be interested in you has suddenly lost interest and has disappeared. This is a really common scenario and I'll share my own personal experience....

What It Takes To Be A High Value Woman Hello Sassy Beauties, This is Katie and welcome back to my channel. I want to give a quick shout out to all you lovely people who left beautiful messages on my YouTube videos or sent me Instagram comments. I highly...
