Neediness is not inspiring. Saying “are you ok?” “I noticed you are not [affectionate, loving, kind, attentive etc]” “I would like more [texts, communication] from you” “You’re being [cold, distant]” Are all...
How to overcome avoidant attachment with these 3 simple steps (and so you won’t die alone).. You may be an avoidant if: You use “being busy” with your life, your career, your goals etc etc to AVOID dating, relationships, being vulnerable with people, people in...
Is he stringing you along? Do you want to know if you’re just being strung along, if you’re just an option for a man, and your gut is telling you something may not be right? You’ll want to watch this video! In the world of dating apps, where everyone...
Does it feel like you’re “never chosen” by a man? Or not liked by the men YOU like? When every guy you seem to date and like is “not sure about you”, that can be a devastating place to be, but what is REALLY going on here? I have...
Here’s how to make him fear losing you, so you can stop worrying about losing him. When you’re dating a guy, and he seems so confident and secure that he doesn’t seem to “care” whether you’re there or not, that can be a little unsettling – especially if you’re...