Inspire Men To Choose You

by | Feb 21, 2025

Neediness is not inspiring.

Saying “are you ok?” “I noticed you are not [affectionate, loving, kind, attentive etc]” “I would like more [texts, communication] from you” “You’re being [cold, distant]”

Are all versions of “I’m lacking something”. Whether you say it nicely, kindly, respectfully or with a smile, the message is still one of lack.

Neediness is an obsession of lack.

And when you focus on lack, you get more lack.

What is inspiring is emotional sufficiency. I’m not talking about the ability to pay your bills, own your house or fix your lightbulb, that’s material sufficiency, it’s not emotional.

Feeling full vs feeling empty.

When you’re full, you don’t want more, you naturally push the plate of food away.

Telling a man “I hear you, I understand you, I agree with you.” Looking deeply into his eyes for 3 seconds. Taking pause when he drops a bombshell on you. Expressing your vulnerability with surrender. Accepting reality and letting go. Being you-focused and taking care of yourself.

Being in your feminine energy.

That’s how you inspire men into action. Men will love to chase you, win you and conquer you, not because he’s “needy” or “desperate” but because of how you make him feel.

Men fall in love with who you are being.

Women tend to fall in love with who he will be.

Who are you being right now?

Are you inspiring to men?

The woman who gets what she wants is a woman willing to work on herself.

If you want to know how to inspire men with your feminine energy and finally getting the dream relationship you want, you may want to apply for coaching with me.

I’m dedicated to help you evolve into the best version of yourself and attract love in effortlessly. All you have to do is go to the link here to book a free consult call with me, fill out a simple questionnaire and book a time to speak with me.

Let’s stop waiting for men to step up and be inspiring instead.

​Click here for coaching.
