How To Make Him More Attracted To You (Mind Hack!)

by | Jul 16, 2024

Here’s how to make him more attracted to you with this mind hack.

Ever liked a guy and wished he was putting in more effort, chasing you more, and was more consistent and respectful towards you? If you want to know how to make him more attracted to you, so he would chase you more and put more effort in for you, you’ll want to watch this video until the end! This is one concept I wish I’d known about that could have saved me a lot of pain!


  • One powerful shift in thinking to be more attractive to men
  • What to do and how to think about approach it if a man comes back!

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Have you ever liked it guys so much? You just wish that he would step up more, be more consistent, asked you out more, be in more communication with you, showed you more respect, put more effort in for you? In this video I’m going to show you how to make him more attracted to you by staying unattached. If you want a deeper dive into the power of attraction and using your feminine energy to attract and keep men more effortlessly, you’ll want to check out the Free Quiz in my description.

How you’re going to become more attract to men is by not caring whether you’re attracted to men, by not thinking about how attractive you are to him. There was a period before you knew him, before you liked him. When you didn’t care whether he liked you, you didn’t care whether he was attracted to you. You were just being yourself, living your life. You had the same like the circumstances of your life is probably very similar to where you are now. And you didn’t think about attracting him. Then you attracted him like he was attracted to you. Okay. So you simply not caring about what men thought about attracted men.

If you only took the circumstances from then and now, chances are not much has changed. You may have the same life, the same career, same friends. Circumstantially, it hasn’t changed. The only thing that has changed now is your thoughts about him, now you have worrying thoughts about whether he’s still attracted to you. Now you think about wanting his approval or losing his approval, how to get his approval back and whether he’ll come back again. Right? All of those thoughts, worrying thoughts, doubtful thoughts. That is the only difference between now and then. Back then you didn’t have any of those thoughts. Now you do. But factually you are still the same.

So if you want to be able to attract him again, you already have that ability within you because that’s how you attracted him in the first place. The way to attract him again is to get rid of all of those doubtful thoughts, all those expectations of what he’s doing and what he’s not doing and wanting him to do certain things.

If you got rid of those thoughts, you will be back again to being the you that attracted him. The way you’re going to attract him again is to embody the you, the attractive you that attracted him in the first place. So you have to take yourself back to that moment before you were concerned about whether he was attracted or not. Okay. You want to ask yourself, okay, what was I thinking about back then? How was I feeling?

What was I doing right? What was I focused on? What was I consumed with? What was I happy about? Right. Like go back there and re-find that again, re-embody that you because you have that already. You had that in you.

He was attracted to that part of you, the way you quiet the doubtful voices is about mind management. You have to be the boss of your own mind and say, okay, I’m no longer going to worry about whether he’s thinking about me or what he’s doing. I’m going to focus on, okay, what I want to think about. I’m going to focus on my life, on this, on that, my career, on the things that you used to think about before you were concerned about him.

Now you may be like, okay, okay, I get it. I got that part. Go back to how I used to be think, feel, do right. But well, what happens if I have to talk to him? If he reaches out, what do I say? What do I do?

Here’s my advice for that. How do you show up around strangers? How do you talk to a long lost friend? How do you show up if you don’t have any expectations or judgments of how this other person should be? Show up as if this is someone who kind of looks like the guy that you like, but you don’t actually have any… You don’t really know him, you don’t have any prior points of reference with him, or think of him as a long lost friend. Your point of reference with him is like a long, long time ago and you still don’t really know what he’s like now, right? So you have an air of “I don’t know what to expect”. When you don’t know, then your brain can stop worrying, stop having expectations, and you then can just simply show up as you. As how you used to show up when you first met him, when you first attracted him. Okay, that’s how you show up. All right.

So I hope this video has helped you. in particular, I really want to focus on the mindset portion of this because I think this is the piece that not a lot of people go deeper into, and I think this is the most important part of it. If you would like to learn how to exude more of your feminine energy and your confidence and body, the you that attracted your guy then, you may want to check out my Free Quiz in the link in my description.

So that’s all from me this week. If you enjoy this video, please like me. subscribe to my channel. If you’d like to learn more about how to attract and keep men effortlessly, and I’ll talk to you next time.

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